Investment Opportunities
1) Overseas Manufacturing Investment in the Japanese Textiles and Clothing Sector
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Japanese textiles and clothing sector (see note below) had a 5% share by value, and a 20 -30% share by number of projects in the first half of the '90s. In JFY 2001, FDI accounted for a total of 23 by number of projects (double the JFY 2000), and 25.4 billion yen by value (up 3.3% from JFY 2001: equivalent to 0.2 billion dollars). This represented a 1.5% share of the textile and clothing manufacturing sector by value, and a 4.4% share by number of projects.
Note: New investments and increases of capital amounting to more than 100 million yen are calculated. Number of projects is calculated only new investment. Figures released in yen since JFY 1996.
2) Japanese overseas investment by region
In terms of cumulative figures since JFY 1951, the shares of regions receiving new direct investment from Japan are as follows:
-By number of projects: Asia 73.3%, North America 8.0%
-By value: Asia 54.3%, North America 19.6%
Asia's share is overwhelming. In JFY 2001, Asia received $95 million and 14 by number of projects and Europe received $75 million and 3 by number of projects.