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Publicēts: 09.12.2019.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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The Flat Earth Society claims that the internet has put a big impact on the number of their supporters. Having the society almost bankrupt, they say that YouTube was the key to helping them spread their message. Now, they have their own forums with more than hundreds of thousands of visits every day. Even the Wikipedia page has been edited, that it doesn't say anything about the Earth's shape or form. Distribution and information spreading to billions of people is as easy as a few clicks and uploads.
While this argument is believed to be just a fun and harmless conspiracy theory, I believe that if something like this can be convinced to people, one can only imagine how big part of what the media and news articles tell us is actually real. Whether to believe something or not is everyone’s personal choice but having an influence from celebrities speaking up for opinions that they have no proof in, can give wrong perspectives of the world to the young media users and even grown-up admirers.

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