Hamlet Summary by Acts
Act II, Scene ii:
The action takes place two months after Hamlet has met with the ghost. The scene opens with Claudius and Gertrude talking to two of Hamlet's friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. It seems that Hamlet has been acting strangely for the past couple of months, and no one is able to find out why. Although Gertrude guesses it is because of the death of his father and her overhasty marriage, Claudius is not so sure this is the reason. Because Claudius and Gertrude are unable to find out the reason for Hamlet's madness they send for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with the hopes that they will be able to find out the truth. Both gentlemen agree to spy on Hamlet to find out the cause of his madness after Gertrude tells them they will gain the king's money, thanks and recognition.Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave to find Hamlet. Polonius enters at the same time as the messengers sent to Norway return with news regarding Fortinbras. Polonius tells the King and Queen that he has found out the cause of Hamlet's madness, and will tell them after they hear the news from the messengers.Voltimand and Cornelius enter and report to the king that they met with Fortinbras' uncle and have found a way to stop Fortinbras' plan to attack Denmark. The uncle, after finding out the true goal of Fortinbras' army, rebukes Fortinbras for his deeds and tells him to forget this plan. Fortinbras obeys his uncle's wishes and with his uncle's help decides to use his army to attack the "Pollacks." The king looks over a paper that has Fortinbras' plans for crossing safely through Denmark on his way to fight the Pollacks, and turns his attention to Polonius.Polonius tells the King and Queen about his suspicion that Hamlet's madness is caused by Ophelia's rejecting Hamlet's affections. Although the queen believes Polonius' speech is too long-winded, and chastises him for his roundabout ways, he brushes her off and continues with his theories. As proof of his suspicions, he reads a letter Hamlet wrote to Ophelia that expresses his love and feelings for her. Seeing that the king and queen don't agree with his assumptions as whole heartedly as he does, Polonius tries to prove his theory by approaching Hamlet himself. He ushers the King and Queen out as Hamlet approaches.Although Polonius tries his best to pin down Hamlet's thoughts, he fails. Hamlet not only manages to evade Polonius' questions, but he seizes the opportunity and slanders Polonius and his foolish, meddling ways, without Polonius' realization.…
Act I, Scene i: The play begins on the outer ramparts of Elsinore castle. It is late and Francisco, a guard, is on duty waiting for Bernardo to relieve him from his watch. Francisco is nervous because the previous two nights he and Bernardo have seen a figure who appears to be the ghost of the recently deceased king wandering around.Bernardo approaches, accompanied by Horatio (Hamlet's only friend and confident). Even though Horatio dismisses the idea of a ghost, the guards start to retell the previous nights' encounters. As the guards begin, the ghost appears before them- much to Horatio's surprise.The guards urge Horatio to speak with the ghost. Because Horatio is a student, they feel he should be able to communicate with the ghost, and their previous attempts to talk with it have failed. Horatio's attempts also fail. The scene ends with Horatio stating that he will go and inform his friend Hamlet of these incredible events.
- Agatha Christie "A Pocket Full of Rye"
- Hamlet Summary by Acts
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