Darbs izstrādāts LU Moderno Valodu fakultātes Angļu Filoloģijas kursam Stilistika - tika analizēts tēlaino izteiksmes līdzekļu lietojums (metafora, epitets, personifkācija u.c.) 50 sakāmvārdos, paskaidrojot arī to nozīmi.
1)Clothes do not make the man; (Metaphor) Meaning: The proverb tells us not to judge other people by their physical appearance or the way they dress.
2)When the cat is away, the mice will play; (Metaphor) Meaning: People whose behavior is strictly controlled go over the top when the authority is not around, which is why most teenagers have parties when their parents have gone on holiday.
3)Strike while the iron is hot; (Metaphor) Meaning: take the action immediately in order to have a better chance of success.
4)There is nothing new under the sun; (Metaphor) Meaning: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; Life goes around in circles and history is repeated again and again.