Friedrich Naumann actually was the first one who thought in „mitteleuropean: terms,though he obviously added popularity to this concept,Naumann really wished for happier future and he wanted to show this in his book.Actually, he didn`t pay much atttention oncentral Europe before the war,because he supported German overseas colonila expansion.,though the war changed his preferences and concerning mitteleuropa he said”We have sat together in the war`s economic prison,we have fought together,we are determined to live together”He thought that Mitteleuropa had to become a political necessity,so he suggested that Europe needs an economic coopoeration,because it can serve a predominat form of defence in the future.,he also didn`t expect war to lead a lasting peace or harmony in Europe,he said small nations had to be protected and economically centraliezied in order to make their existence impossble without cooperating with a greater power,also he supposed that big Central European market shoudl be created as a defence,as well he supported military imperialism ,which would make possbile a highly controlled and integrated economy.…