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Publicēts: 07.11.2004.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

January 30, 1995 Chinese President Jiang Zemin presents his ill-fated "eight-point plan" on Taiwan. Old wine in a leaky bottle.
April 8, 1995 Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui offers a "six-point" response to Jiang.
Early May 1995 Both houses of the U.S. Congress pass resolutions (by votes of 97 to 1 in the Senate and 396 to 0 in the House) urging Clinton to permit Lee to visit the U.S.
May 15, 1995 China conducts underground nuclear tests.
May 22, 1995 The U.S. announces the decision to allow Lee Teng-hui to make a private visit to his alma mater in June.
June 7-12, 1995 Lee Teng-hui makes his landmark visit to his alma mater, Cornell University.
June 15-22, 1995 Taiwanese Premier Lien Chan makes a private trip to Austria and the Czech Republic. Lien's destination is not revealed until his arrival in Vienna. It is the first trip to Europe by a top leader from Taiwan.
June 16, 1995 Beijing postpones the July cross-strait talks with Taiwan.

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