Author John Cleese and Connie Booth.
The book is about an everyday life of the english family, who runs their
hotel. The action takes place in the hotel, except when Bastel went to
get a sunday roast to the restaurant – twice - cause the first duck was unfortunately dropped on the floor.
The book itself is a comedy with an expressed English sense of humour.
The main characters: a couple - Bastel and his wife Sybil. They have been
married for 15 years and they relationship looks as a very usual one -
no interest in each other -just everyday problems. Sybil is the one who is
always calm and patient with visitors. Whereas Bastel - a pounge of nerves, always in a conflict with visitors, always unsatisfied, but sharp in his mind and his words.
Then come the most often visitors of the hotel, who seem to be living
there all the time during the story.…