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Atlants.lv bibliotēka
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Publicēts: 03.12.2002.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Essay: Why did the Roman Empire fall, after centuries of strong political and military leadership and a relatively stable economic and social organization?
"Nothing lasts forever", and the Roman Empire is one of the things which were subject to this popular saying. Being one of the greatest empires of all time, the Roman Empire lasted for almost a thousand years. One reason for Rome becoming such a large empire was the massive armies. The Romans used the army to control the people which they had conquered, as well as stop enemies from conquering them. The army had around 35,000 men, just to protect the vast frontiers. More and more people, including people from provinces, added to the grandeur of this army, because of a simple bribe; whomever joined the army would receive full Roman citizenship. The Roman government was the strongest unifying force in the whole empire. The government maintained order in Rome, defended the frontiers, and made sure all the laws set, were being followed. Grains, meat, silk, glassware, jewelry and many other objects were imported by Rome, and 50,000 miles of paved highways made trade very easy. Essay: Why did the Roman Empire fall, after centuries of strong political and military leadership and a relatively stable economic and social organization?
"Nothing lasts forever", and the Roman Empire is one of the things which were subject to this popular saying. Being one of the greatest empires of all time, the Roman Empire lasted for almost a thousand years. One reason for Rome becoming such a large empire was the massive armies. The Romans used the army to control the people which they had conquered, as well as stop enemies from conquering them. The army had around 35,000 men, just…

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