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Publicēts: 30.11.2002.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
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This also explains why start-up companies go through a fast development where they pass several of the other orientations in brief. But the bottom line is that if they are still around today it is because they knew exactly who their product was designed for when they released it. They were filling a documented need.
A distinctive feature of the marketing orientation is also that those who follow it think it crucial to maintain and develop customer relationships. They do not focus on the price alone (because price alone does not matter), they do not focus on features alone (because features alone do not matter), and they do not focus on emptying the stock (because customers remember when they have been burned). Marketing orientation knows that happy customers return and this is where true profits are made - for both parties.
Today's successful companies follow a marketing orientation because this is what makes them profitable. They simply cannot afford anything else. This document has explained the weaknesses of other orientations and it has examined why a marketing orientation is important to gain and maintain a leadership position in an ever-increasing competitive and global market field.

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