A most intriguing novel by Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo makes the reader confront his or her own challenges. Betrayed by his own friends, arrested at his wedding feast, and charged for treason, for Edmond Dantes, that was only the beginning. During this terrible time, Dantes also loses his father, fiancé, and any hope for a happy life. The disguise of an aristocratic count is the way that Edmond reveals himself to Paris society all in the name of revenge. Throughout this novel, the reader finds himself truly examining his own life. Several meanings surface throughout the twists and turns of this exciting book, including love and betrayal.
"I love Edmond Dantes and no other man will ever be my husband. . As long as I live. . If he dies, so will I. . ." (pg. 10) Funny isn't it, how in love everything suddenly becomes life and death? …