Play environments would not exist without teamwork; teamwork would not exist without communication, and communication is to relationships, what air is to breathing. It's the fundamental building block of youth work. For example an off-site trip cannot be organised and executed by one youth worker alone.
Effective teamwork helps to establish stability, order and routine.
Teamwork also provides opportunity and informality to social mixing.
For example social mixing has great appeal to girls, who can find it more difficult to mix with the opposite sex because of family value, culture, religion, family friends etc...
Teamwork gives a positive atmosphere, which can benefit everyone. Young people achieve much more especially when encouraged and supported, becoming better people in numerous ways. For example Nature Sketching will be a good opportunity for a group, as it will teach the children about using their initiative to find the materials they need to use. This will be a team challenge, as they will be working against the clock and against each-other group, it will bring them closer together.