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  • This essay Is an Analysis on the Publicity Stunts Celebrities Pull to Get Attention


    Eseja2 Māksla

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Publicēts: 25.04.2004.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
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." Britney's album did exceptionally well it debut at number one on the billboard charts. Although Britney claims the kiss was just expressing their friendship, it was one of the greatest publicity stunts that she has done thus far, she received all the attention that she deserved.
<Tab/>Britney is not the only celebrity who had to resorts to publicity stunts to help sell albums Jessica Simpson and her husband Nick Lachey fell off of the charts and made their comeback with an MTV reality show "The Newlyweds." Jessica Simpson's last album was released in 2001 Irresistible, and it did not do as well as her first album Sweet Kisses. Jessica did not receive very much attention from Irresistible, Jessica fell off the charts and out of the headlines really fast. Her husband Nick Lachey a former member of the hit boy band 98 Degrees had not had a hit album since 1998; they produced an album in 2000 which was a flop. Both Jessica and Nick had made a huge transformation Jessica shed her good girl image and Nick shed his boy band image, in hopes that they will sell records this time around. …

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