Ray Bradbury's short story, "There Will Come Soft Rains," set in a quiet Californian suburb during the month of August 2026, ultimately develops into a struggle between nature and technology. As the nearby city of Allendale lies silently in a pile of rubble and ash, a single house stands alone, existing within itself. The world around this lone house is very disturbing, yet serene, and creates a contrasting aura for the reader as he learns of tale's message. As the reader confronts the living house, he is greeted with many futuristic and fantastical ideas that "become tragic symbols for man's dreams and hopes gone awry". He is also exposed to the image of the fate of humans if technology continues to take over our lives. This idea relates to the theme of the story by showing an example of how a benefactor can quickly become an archenemy. What may one day help us, technology for example, may another day destroy us.…