Arthur Dent, the protagonist in the story Life, The Universe, And Everything by Douglas Adams, is just an ordinary person who has to save the universe in his pajamas. This book is the third in the hitchhiker series and is one of the best. The best thing about Douglas's books is the way they are written. It looks like he had more fun writing the books than I did reading it. He also uses many literary devices such as simile and personification. Another great thing about these books is that Douglas puts in what seems as pointless stories in the middle of the book that end up having a lot to do with the plot towards the end. Also, Douglas goes off on a tangent every time he states a new concept or idea. He usually quotes what the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy says about the subject. For example, he spends a page or two telling exactly how the Guide says it's possible to fly by simply missing the ground! …