For example, there is the business language. It consists of numbers, symbols, short phrases, rates of exchange and abbreviations that people all over the world understand and use to inform each other about their latest buyings, business deals, bank accounts and so on.
Then, there is the language that deaf-and-dumb people use to communicate. Their language consists of short phrases, words or letters that are shown by using fingers, hands and expressions of face. Those people can show their feelings more emotionally because body and facial language is more expressive than the verbal language.
Next, there is the computer language. People in different countries with different languages use abbreviations from words or phrases in English while they are chatting. For example letters L O L mean laugh out loud. They also use so called smilies that are little faces that label the expressions of face of the chatters at the moment. Computer language is also cuttings in English that label parts of computer or cuttings from the names of the options of the computer.