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Publicēts: 04.03.2022.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 3 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
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The music in the piano stool. That vase” (9-10). He draws our consideration to these specific objects, each of which has a role to play. Photos frequently reflect memories and the past. Thanks to the speaker's commands “look at the pictures”, we will then be able to understand “how it was” and how different and how depressed he has become since then (9-8). “That vase” is a very strong way to complete a poem (10). It is so simple, but so visual. A particularly short passage highlights how demoralized and destroyed the house is. The main thing is that there is only one vase without flowers. Like a house, it is empty, empty and useless. There are no flowers here to hold like in a house without a family.
To summarize, “Home is so sad” has the concept of “houses”, when this house remains empty, when the “heart” is removed from it, when it loses what makes it even a “home”. The unspoken question seems to be: how can a house be a home if there is no one nearby, who would live in it? Part of the answer is that the home holds sad memories of the people who once occupied it. The dot after the “piano stool” in this last line gives us the pause before the dying fall or anti-climax of these last two words (9).

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