It is one of the most beautiful and significant churches in Riga and the Baltic states. It is 121 meters high and it is located in the historical center of Riga, which on 4th of December in 1997 was incorporate in UNESCO world’s cultural heritage list. The first documental evidence of the existence of the church is dated by 1209. Possibly the church was from wood, but the scientists argue about that. Since ancient times the church belonged to townspeople, but there were also Dome’s cathedral, which belonged to the bishop, and Jura Church, which belonged to the Livonian order.
Day and night in the tower of the church standed two guards, who was hired by the city. Their duty was to warn the city, if there were some danger, for example, the guards blowed trumpets, when they saw a fire.
From 1701 until 1773 there were buried 3576 people. Every graveyard carries some bad spirits, so carried also St. Peter’s church. And the next accident happened after almost 221 years. In 1941. The war. What is interesting about these number- 3576 and 221. 3-5=2; 5-7=2; 7-6=1. The years until the next accident are similar to the dead people number before the accident. Again some bad spirits, so I can predict that there will be a disaster with St. Peter’s church again, but I wish it won’t come true and the church would exist forever.