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Atlants.lv bibliotēka
  • Soft Systems Thinking, Intellectual Capital & Social Capital


    Eseja5 Vadība

4,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 03.04.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Soft System Methodology (SSM) was developed as methodology by Peter Checkland and his colleagues working at Lancaster University and Open University in the 1970s. The idea of the SSM is to understand, identify and solve the real world problems.
This paper will start with the history of SSM and its definition. Then it describes the SSM methodology with a practical case study from the real world. The author will look into the main features and benefits SSM. Afterwards the author will present the relationship between the soft systems thinking, knowledge management, intellectual capital and s…

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IZDEVĪGI pirkt komplektā ietaupīsi −4,98 €
Materiālu komplekts Nr. 1292802
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