Sigmund Freud
His founded psychoanalysis exists already for more than 100 years, which proves that his ideas seem so important for many people. The psychoanalysts themselves call the 20th century the Freud’s century. Like Copernicus changed the view about the Earth place in the Solar system, Freud changed human view about itself – the human action is less determined by not so conscious aims than by unconscious wishes. It was exactly Freud who more than others urged the researchers to turn to the influence of unconscious factors on the human behavior. Freud created methods for understanding of unconsciousness – dream interpretation, slip-of-the-tongue mistakes’ analysis, free associations, which opened up possibilities of deeper cognition of motivation of people actions. Freud’s ideas had a great influence on the Western culture in the 20th century. Writers, poets, dramaturges like Samuel Beckett, Andre Breton, James Joyce, Thomas Mann, painters: Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso got Freud’s influence. Freud’s ideas stimulated such a new tendency of psychology like Jungian analytical psychology. Thanks to Freud’s heritage, modern psychologists have a great opportunity to enrich their studies with many significant ideas. (Westen, 1998) Psychoanalysis is interesting for a wider society not in theoretical sense, but in practical – what can it give for maintenance and improvement of mental health; like it was already mentioned, thanks to Freud, many modern psychology methods appeared. Freud’s works served as the base for the Sexual Revolution of the 20th century, although it was not Freud’s goal. Nowadays the medicinal part of psychoanalysis created by him and processed by other scientists takes notable place in treatment of human psychic dysfunctions, neuroses and other psychic disorders. His works changed the psychology of the 20th century, solved the fundamental issues of human mental life structure, gave interpretation of experiences, crises, reflected human’s illusory self and world perception.…
There are many famous and distinguished personalities in the field of psychology; one of them is Sigmund Freud, born in Czech Republic. He was of Jewish origin, Austrian neurologist and founder if psychoanalysis, creator of psychoanalysis conception. In the beginning of the 20th century S.Freud came out with his most important researches in psychology. He studied the structure of psyche and the role of unconsciousness in human’s everyday behavior and existence in general. He has studied psychic disorders, worked out the method of neurosis treatment - psychoanalysis, the base of which is the technique of free associations. (Mitchell, S. A. & Black, 1996) He has developed the theory of psychology in general about the structure of psyche as genetic system, the dynamics of which is formed of conflict between different levels of psyche, mainly, the consciousness and spontaneous id aspiration. S.Freud is one of the first persons who started to study the psychological problems of libido development, created the theory of psychosexual development of individual.
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- Sigmund Freud
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