The results from my questionnaire undoubtedly proved that my perspective market will be a young one. I will have to consider this when making decisions about my shop, as I must appeal to the younger generation. The idea of a hire out scheme also proved very popular and this idea will also be taken into consideration.
Evaluation of questionnaire and recommendations for improvements
I think my questionnaire was very accurate and achieved the desired results. I think I asked the right amount of questions and varied them so that I could get as much information as possible. I think my questionnaire does represent my target market because most of the people I interviewed fit into my criteria. My questions were clear and easy to understand and only required a short written answer or a ticked box. If I did my questionnaire again then I would maybe ask a few older people to get their views on my shop. I would also go into more depth about what the buyers would like to see in my shop other than instruments e.g. other audio equipment or services.