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Atlants.lv bibliotēka
Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
  • Review of Evidence that the Gene Encoding ZDHHC8 Contributes to the Risk of Schizophrenia


    Eseja3 Bioloģija, Ķīmija

3,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 01.12.1996.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

There is still much research to be done on this topic but this study provides a starting point. The function of ZDHHC8 is still unknown and also there is mystery behind why the ZDHHC8 deficiency only affects women. There is no proven function of ZDHHC8 but it could possibly be part of the synaptic response and glutamatergic transmission. More research can be put into the discovery of the function of ZDHHC8 and also the exact 3D structure of the protein. There is no definite proof as to the exact structure of the protein so once we know its conformation then it may help in discovering its function.
The sexual dimorphism is something that needs to be researched further because the cause of it is unknown and it could lead to more discoveries to the gender linked susceptibility for schizophrenia.
A technique that has been used in numerous other studies would be to use twins and study the genetic link between ZDHHC8 and schizophrenia using biologically identical twins. …

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