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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
  • Report on experiment determining the percentage of copper in the copper ore malachite.


    Eseja1 Ķīmija

1,99 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 05.06.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Determining the Percentage of Copper in a Copper Ore
Aim: To determine the percentage of copper present in malachite.
Hypothesis: That the percentage of copper in the malachite will be four percent.
Materials: 2 x 250mL beaker, pestle, malachite, sulfuric acid, water, 2 x filter paper, funnel, filter stand,
Safety Precautions: Wear safety glasses at all times when dealing with chemicals and apron to avoid ruining clothes.
Record the mass of the malachite sample. Place the malachite into the 250mL beaker and add 20-30mL of dilute sulfuric acid. Wait until the reaction has slow…

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