Shrek is an animated comedy/fantasy film and it was released in 2001 April 22 in USA. It was directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson.
The story begins with the villagers deciding to go to the swamp to defeat the Shrek, but then the Shrek tricks them and comes up behind them, then they have a conversation and finally the Shrek scares them off with his loud scream. Then it turns out that the villager’s goal was gold, if they caught a Shrek, they would get a pile of gold for it. The next day, there is a market in the forest where locals can exchange fairy tale creatures for gold, the first time we see the donkey is at the forest market where the donkey's owner is going to sell him for 10 gold coins, but when it is the donkey's turn, he decides not to speak, but the owner tries with all her might to make him speak, then the guards decide that the owner is crazy and decide to throw him out of the market. …