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Publicēts: 07.12.2010.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

“What kind of city was this Riga?”, “Can you imagine what song this rooster sings?” they can imagine because almost in everyone Latvian house had a chickens, roosters or other domestic animals. Rainis is asking “who was it that built this place?” and he is answering to this question too, that Latvians did it and they need to own it. To raise Latvian people up he used exclamation marks; for example, “Awake, awake Latvian nation!” Comma he used to make it louder and stringer like “Betrayer, betrayer,” In caesura we can find just two punctuations: comma and dash.
The tone of the poem is militant, for example:
O, sons of Latvia, rise
and stand guard by our city!
He tried to get more people who can help to save Riga.

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