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Publicēts: 15.03.2006.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Public Relations (PR) is a new place of action of modern world and society. In essence conception of PR is known already for a long time, but exactly in the 21th century it is getting a special role in various areas: in sociallities, in business, etc. In Latvia this concept and action of place is something new, but it becoms more and more necessary and requested. But what PR really means, which elements of PR are the most important and what includes its action activity?
PR cannot be only reduced to its defenition of meaning. Mostly it is seen as an element of management. One of defenitions says, that PR is that administration function, with help of whose are established and substained mutually benefitial relations between organization and society, of whose depends organization’s fortunes and failures.
Conception of Public Relations holds such elements as publicity, advertisement, representation in press, public things, regulation of disagreements, lobbyism, relations with investors and development. Publicity is information of some external chanel, which mass media employs, because it is seen as novelty and it is unregulated publication of news in mass media, because new’s furnisher did not pay mass media for publication. Advertisement in its turn is information, what comes of certain furnisher of information, which pays advertisement’s time and place. …

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