Petrified Forest National Park
The Petrified Forests located in Arizona and has six forests of petrified wood in the park. Some of the "stone" wood is 6 foot around and 100 feet long (CD . 2002). One of the logs even forms a natural archway that looks like a bridge. There are many sources for learning about petrified wood. Some of the sources I found helpful were books, internet sources, and the encyclopedia all including information about Petrified Forest National Park.
The wood is made up of tree trunks and fallen logs that were buried in volcanic ash, mud, or sand ages ago and have turned into stone. There is no bark or limbs on the trees, but the wood has been reserved so well that you can still see insect tunnels and lightning scars. The petrifying process is caused by "water that carries dissolved mineral matter" (Tidwell, 1999. p. 328). …