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Publicēts: 02.05.2013.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 7 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Also it is very important that teachers can be strongly motivated to do their job not only responsibly but with a positive attitude. Unfortunately, in Baltic States teacher salaries are not very high and I think that value of their salaries is not at the level it should be because teacher’s job is very, very important. Low salaries is one of the reasons why people do not choose this profession and those who already are teachers qualifies to a different profession with higher salary. Roberts Ķīlis has implemented one solution – new motivation system which includes new wage plan with higher salaries (Ķīlis skolotājiem plāno jaunu motivācijas programmu, accessed October 21, 2012).
All these three options are important in order to make education system more developed, advanced and more open to pupils and students. Although making all these modifications, it is important to keep track of current economic changes both nowadays and in the future. Modern global economy, currently demanded markets and professions, economic situation in current state – these all are matters which have an influence in almost everything, in that way it also influences education system. Changes in education system cannot be implemented if tendencies in economy are ignored. Nonetheless very important is that people will approve these changes and would not object.
As I said, my scenario of education for future in the Baltic States includes some changes, but in general my thoughts are that education in future should be more accessible, more tended to global tendencies, with more realistic contents and possibility to individualize study processes.

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