One Latvian author said: ‘’ Latvia for me and I hope for all isn’t only the country where we were born, because it is something more, something mysterious and inestimable.
What did this author mean, when he told us about Latvia like a something mysterious?
A long time I have been thinking about what Latvia means for me. Does it only the country where I was born or my native land which means for me something more? These thoughts didn’t give peace to my mind. I’ll never forget what I saw the homeland, when I was born, when I saw that enormous world where I am only like a bit of bread, when I felt summer warm and winter cold, when I saw smiling sun and sleeping moon, when I enjoyed the sea’s water, hot sand, when I understood that I am necessary to my country and I doesn’t matter what will be my future.
My closes, dearest people are here and I couldn’t leave them. I need my friends, relation as well as they need me, because they are people who understand, help, support and love me whatever goes on.