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Publicēts: 20.09.2013.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Ir
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

There are several disadvantages and some advantages for multi-speed Europe. In my mind multi-speed Europe would be more like loss than wining. I think that disadvantages named in this essay prove, that if there would be two-speed Europe, than there would not be European Union as a union anymore. All those mergers in smaller groups; various speeds of integration and development of economy makes me think that it would be the end of EU-27 and, for example the beginning of two new separate unions with different aims and purposes. Of course, advantage that one of these two-speed groups would be developed more than other group is quite good, but as I live in Latvia, which (in occasion if two-speed Europe began to work) would be in 2nd- the poorest group, than this division doesn’t seems to me admissible and I wouldn’t like to live in one Union, which has 2-category subgroups, in which one is much more poorer than other. …

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