Michelangelo was great in every aspect of art. "He was celebrated as the greatest artist ever because of his great work in the areas of sculpting, painting, draughtman, architecture, and poetry" (Tazartes 431). He has painted many great paintings and wrote many poems in his life. He is known for being a central figure in the history of art (Tazartes 431). Michelangelo is one of the greatest artist of all time because he was able to change his style to fit the period of time, painting, scupultering, archieturter ability, and his influence in art.
Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1945, in Rome. When Michelangelo was young, his dad, Ludovico Buonarroti, placed him in an art workshop. He was there for about two years. Michelangelo then started to study sculpture at a special school at the Medici Garden. After a short stay in the class, he was invited to stay at the house of Lorenzo De' Medici, a great painter. By the time he turned sixteen years old he had already published two sculptures. As a student in Rome he was called "Universal Genius".