Future of Mental Illness
What is most likely to occur in the immediate future is one of two things. The first is there may be an increase in mental illness due to such factors as increase of drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and suppression of symptoms due to medication. Mental disorders may also increase due to more technological advancements (e.g. computer revolution). With the introduction of more obsession/fixations/crazes, more disorders may occur. Road rage was never considered to be a disorder until motor vehicles were invented and later classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV).
The other outcome that may be possible is that with the development and understanding of the human genome and the genome project, genetically predisposed mental illnesses could be eradicated from existence, reducing the number of disorders and illnesses dramatically. Both of these outcomes seem to be not only plausible, but imminent in the next decade due to both increasing technological and medical advancements and increased unhealthy living.