Every organization has the same characteristic, which is they all have managers for running their business, whatever how big the organization is. What is management? As an old fashion issue, people still ask themselves what manages do exactly in organization. As many test books defined initiatively the management are functions of planning, organizing, controlling, commanding and coordinating. (Fayol, 1949)
Henry Mintzberg said, "What managers do can best be described by looking at the roles they play at work." In management, it is generally divided into three management roles, which are interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles (Robbins, 2003,p11)
The interpersonal roles include figurehead leader and liaison. The informational roles contain of receiving, collecting and disseminating information. The decisional roles consist of Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator.(Robbins,2003,p13)
In Suzie's case, Suzie actually did her first job as a manager by using several roles, which I just mentioned.