Sokrāts reiz teicis: „Naids nekad nenovērsīs naidu – vienīgi mīlestība var pārvarēt naidu.” Es nesaku, ka ir jāmīl pāridarītājs, taču piekrītu, ka ne jau naids, dusmas vai vardarbība atrisinās mūsu problēmas.
For all those who takes wrong path whose direction affect all of us, we must show the right direction, for example, we must explain to Russians why Latvian language must be there forever and why it is so important, and why the introduction of Russian as a second official language will not solve any problems, why it will make only new challenges. We must do it so we can truly achieve the goal which we all together would really want to achieve. Let’s not leave this all to fate, let’s go towards our goal together!