According to Goffman (1969), expression refers to gesture, signs, vocalizations, marks, and movements produced by the mere presence of a person in an environment. The expressions emanating from the individual do not present any explicit 'statement' or argument about things in general but they give information about the expressing organism. The tone of voice, non-verbal cues, facial expressions, bodily movement provide us with information about how a person is feeling about what they are saying and towards they're immediate physical proximity. The information received from expressions is always tied to the expresser and the specific on-going situation( Meyrowitz, 85).
In contrast, Goffman defines communication to mean the use of language or language like symbols for the intentional transmission of a message. Communication involves purposeful symbolic utterances or written statements about things events and ideas. These communications can be abstract. Ideas about abstracts such as freedom or hopes for the future can be communicated.