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interneta bibliotēka
Atlants.lv bibliotēka
Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
2,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 20.04.2002.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

"Internet marketing is nothing more than another aspect of channel promotion management within the marketing mix."
In the early 90's, Tim Berners-Lees developed an Internet based global information initiative and released it to the Internet Community. It didn't take long and the World Wide Web (WWW) began to bloom. Companies were being told incessantly that they needed to be on the web. So companies soon began to create a web presence by using some clipart graphics, a couple of construction signs, and some contact information and then said, "Hey look, we're on the World Wide Web." Si…

Darbu komplekts:
IZDEVĪGI pirkt komplektā ietaupīsi −2,98 €
Materiālu komplekts Nr. 1266237
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Izvēlies autorizēšanās veidu

E-pasts + parole

E-pasts + parole

Norādīta nepareiza e-pasta adrese vai parole!

Aizmirsi paroli?


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