The new enlargements can also weaken the integration in the EU institutions because the new members could more overload the system and the possibility to find the compromises would become weaker, consequently the way to the closer integration would become more ineffectual.
According to Treaty of Maastricht „any European State may apply to become a Member of the Union„ What is the European State? The state which geographically is in Europe continent or maybe state which want to join and have fulfilled all the long list of criterion? The motto of the EU is “United in diversity”. And can Europe stay united when the more diversity is added? Mr.A.Berlin: “EU- Regional International Organization towards which it’s MS devoted part of their sovereignty”. Are the new MS really so strong to keep their sovereignty?
Overall, I believe that currently the EU enlargement do not strengthen Europe’s deeper integration. Maybe when inter-EU problems will be solved, the possible enlargement can bring more diversity and strengthen its position globally.