In 1929, Robert Graves published his war novel "Goodbye to all that." It is based on his own life experiences of the Great War. This autobiography has been involved in "The great books controversy and changing attitudes towards the war." But in 1931, two years after this Great War book was published, Robert Graves wrote "P. S. Goodbye to all that." In this he justifies some of his actions and why he wrote parts of the novel the way he did. He confesses that he wrote the novel to make "a lump of money" he also included the "ingredients" of a popular memoir, some of them including " people like reading about food and drink.murders.ghosts.kings and other peoples mothers." These ingredients make a good read in a novel and it's the type of things that people enjoy reading about. It also breaks up the novel and it doesn't concentrate on war so much. He also apologises to the people he offended in the novel.…