Market targeting is nothing but to evaluate different market segments and selecting the best segment to enter. In the same way Coca-cola has adopted their own market targeting and have targeted some fix areas where their products are sold on a large scale. Various new brands have also been introduced in these areas to get a rapid increase in the sales of the organization. For example Coca-cola has introduced the power drink named as 'Powerade' in USA . It is sports drink and has been specially introduced for athletes so that it can be helpful in their practice. The sale of this drink is increase on a large scale. The other major brands like the 'lift' and 'liftplus' were introduced so that the consumers have a variety in their choice. Even if a segment has positive size growth and is structurally attractive, the company must consider its own objectives and resource in relation on that segment.
Market Positioning
After the organization has decided which segment it has to enter then it's the time to position itself in the market Product position is the way the product is defined by consumers on important attributes ¾ the place the product occupies in consumer' minds and relative to competing products ( Kotler, Armstrong, Brown, Adam, 2003). A customer has lots of information about different products available in the market and hence the company has to position itself in such a way that the consumer is easily attracted. The company can position itself but side by side it also has to fulfill the environmental requirements and other legal formalities. The reason behind winning a customers heart is to know and learn his need and then in return by providing better services then the competitors.