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Atlants.lv bibliotēka
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Publicēts: 17.02.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The film ‘’Dead Poets Society’’, made in Touchstone Pictures factory, in 1989, was directed by Peter Weir and script was written by Tom Schulman. The storyline takes us trough the complicated life of American students in the best preparation school of USA the Welton academy.
Film casts such well known actors as Robin Williams – profesor John Keating, Robert Sean Leonard – student Neil Perry, Ethan Hawke – student Todd Anderson, etc. John Keating is an extraordinary person who tries to encourage other students to build their lives on motto Carpe Diem, lads! - Seize the day! He tries to avoid students being brainwashed in poetry lessons instead of it he wants them to think for themselves. Neil Perry – very popular student who’s main passion is acting. Neil is strongly influenced by Keating’s ideas which lead him to taking them over. Todd Anderson – a student, sent to school where his older brother learned, who wants to become a writer but unfortunately he’s too shy to express himself.
Film centres on students learning in best preparation school which prepares them for the leading universities such as Harvard. It leads us in the difficult lives of students – teenagers. However there is something that lets them to run away fro every day routine – those are professor’s Keating lessons – the Poetry lessons. His teaching methods seem weird but they help him to convey a powerful message. He wants students to SEIZE THE DAY!…

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