Adolf Hitler had the idea of a perfect German woman; they should have blue eyes, blonde hair, and broad hips for having children and also to be athletic. Her role in the home would be to raise many children, look after her family and be a good homemaker and cook using leftovers. He thought of them to be inferior to the German men, he forced the women out of their professional jobs to return to the old-fashioned housewife duties and mother of future Germany. Hitler believed that the only use of women was to look after the home and as child bearers to future soldiers and Nazis of Germany. The Nazi Party claimed that they believed in the equality of men and women, but they believed that men and women should have very different roles to play in German society Women were to be housewives and obedient women. An Aryan woman's purpose was to look after the children, clean, cook and to be a good wife. Hitler said that women had 3 important things in life's KKK K=Children K=Church K=Kitchen. …