Content: Introduction,The main Theories of International Relations, The main sources of European Integration, Conclusions, References.
The men and women who dreamed of a new European order between 1919 and 1945 thoroughly examined and evaluated the issues, built and reflected on possible political edifices, and held countless discussions, therefore preparing new generations of leaders as well as readying public opinion. They fascinate us by their wisdom, insight, pragmatism; they came from all walks of life: politicians, trade unionists, churches and clergy, elected officials, intellectuals, artists, philosophers, lobbyists, and businessmen; and they carried forth the dream of peace and happiness that they carried forward. Their legacy is invaluable. We realize how much the European Union owes them, and how necessary their work of reflection and maturing was.
The process of European Integration began within the political science subfield of International Relations.
The EU is the outcome of a process of integration, which started in 1950 with six original states: France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The European Union is a unique model of integration among European national states.