Except environmental drawbacks, global warming would cost a lot to Canada's economy. First, compliance with the Kyoto protocol would result in 200,000 lost jobs and a 1.5 percent loss in GDP. The provinces of Alberta and Ontario would experience the worst economic impacts, since each contributes about 27 percent to Canada's national greenhouse gas emissions. The cost of natural gas would also rise by 2 percent by 2010. These estimates are based on greenhouse gas reduction of 170 megatons, about 70 megatons short of Canada's Kyoto target. This will imply a major cutback, more than 40 percent, from levels that would exist under usual scenario. Since Canada is greater user of energy than the United States, it would suffer much more from slashing the fossil fuel consumption and this would produce worldwide depression, falling incomes, rising unemployment, poorer health, and increasing mortality. …