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interneta bibliotēka
Atlants.lv bibliotēka
2,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 27.10.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

"Emma" and "Clueless" are equally as effective at exposing the mores of their time. The differences due to the medium, audience and the social context in which the texts were composed do not make one more valid than the other. In regards to depictions of the protagonist's development, class structure and social responsibility both Austen and Heckerling use techniques to effectively convey their views to the audience and reflect their societies. Heckerling uses the transformation in order to depict modern teen America as sexually liberated, generous country where social mobility is possible…

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IZDEVĪGI pirkt komplektā ietaupīsi −3,98 €
Materiālu komplekts Nr. 1298084
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