Education system in Finland states that all pupils must get same quality of education, without distinguishing better or worse schools and classes.
Preschool education.
Children obtain preschool education in schools or kindergartens when they are 5 or 6 year old. Children are prepared for school. 15-17 children are united in a class, a teacher and teacher's assintant works with them. With games and different tasks child's activities are directed towards interest about learning and developing necessarry social skills.
Preschool education is voluntary. The teaching of preschool children takes place not only in kindergarten and schools, but also in families. Also in day-care centres and in the shape of family care (one mother takes care of other mother's children, but not more than 4).
Elementary education.
From the ages 7-14 elementary education is compulsory. Elementary education in Finland is at no cost. The finns must pay for learning books and other items only starting from secondary education. All pupils get free meals too. The pupils are granted transport if the distance from their home till school exceeds 3 kilometres.…