In all the times since prehistory till nowadays, human being have always had a need for increasing amount of different goods and services. As the man couldn’t and still can’t produce everything he/she needs to provide himself/herself with all the stuff needed – things and services must be got from others for exchange of something to make both sides satisfied. This is how the market has been formed.
To purchase needed goods or services, something equally valuable had to be given for exchange – money. Money is not useful in itself, but because it has an exchange value.
First money (way of trading) was barter when non-monetary things were exchanged for needed goods. Payment means could be cattle (the oldest payment mean), plant products, cowry shell (Africa, China), manillas (ornamental metallic objects), whales teeth, horses and sheep (Kirghizstan), beads, tea, fish hooks, fur and even tobacco, anything which was accepted for exchange in trade.…