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Publicēts: 29.04.2002.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Nike's ideals and goals remain the same as those of the feisty Steve Prefontaine and Bill Bowerman. Nike CDO Phil Knight is not slowing down as he continually signs new colleges on as Nike endorsed schools, even purchasing portion of the NFL's Dallas Cowboys. Nike has reached a point where they can count on the Nike name promoting itself, and yet they continue to produce innovative ideas like the BOING! Campaign. These ideas have been productive and entertaining promotional tools. Nike continues to market itself towards people of all ages who wish to be active and still comfortable.
Jordan brand looks forward to continuing success in the future with the return of Jordan to the basketball court. With him coming back it exposes him to more people and more often. This has made more people realize the Jordan Brand. With his continued success on the court at an older age has propelled him and his name into the most marketed icon in history and has opened up other doors for athletes to do the same like Tiger Woods. These "lifelong" fans of Jordan have made them loyal to Nike and its products for life.

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