The movie, "A Lesson Before Dying," based on the book by Ernest J. Gaines, contains several conflicts among characters existing at various points throughout the movie. This paper will touch on some of them.
Three of the biggest conflicts existing in the movie are over race, religion, and education. The main character, Grant Wiggins, has conflicts over one or more of these aspects with many characters in the movie. Wiggins has a conflict with "the white man" in general over religion and race, and to some extent, education. He feels he has to be highly educated, more so than his black counterparts, to compare himself favorably to the white man. Even then, however, he still feels inferior. He feels that the religion of the blacks is really the white man's religion, and thus rejects it. Growing up in Louisiana, he has been treated as inferior by the white majority his entire life, producing a racial conflict. He resents his own background and wants to better himself by moving North.