Elshtain and Dietz have both encountered the problem of citizenship with feminist face. Their papers seemed to me very interesting and I even see example of Antigone in 20th century in U.S. where there was one vote made against war in Japan – and only woman in Congress Jeanette Rankin made this vote. Wasn’t it brave to be against other 100 men and whole society in 1941? Even Einstein has appreciated her step of non-violence versus violence.
Elshtain offers Sophocle’s heroine as an archetype for a ‘female identity’ and a ‘feminist perspective’. But what kind of feminist? Isn’t it feminist with Western face – white educated heterosexual Christian working mother? Elshtain speaks about Antigone as a prototype of Western female and we shouldn’t forget that these thoughts come from ancient Greece, moreover, feminism has its roots in England, therefore we often talk about Western thoughts.…