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Publicēts: 09.08.2006.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Culturally they seem to be extremely offended by the marriage of a son and mother that they would even kill just to prevent the procedure of incest, rather then persuading the couple to separate. Through my education Aborigines can also embrace the marriage or any such important event, by the performance of corroboree which I believe is a ceremonial dance around a fire.
I now have a greater appreciation of your culture through both its history and its society, I now realise how significant and important it is to you. Throughout writing to you I have noticed that we can neither use the word invasion or settlement, but rather find a balance between the two. A word unbiased and not outweighing another side, I hope things do change and Australia finally comes up with a conclusion to the problem we now plunder on. If I may I beg the future not to bring us any misfortune and unhappiness to the both of us.

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