Anorexia Athletica (Compulsive Exercising)
Sociologists say we live in an age of narcissism, and self-absorption; preoccupied with our looks and bodies, unrealistic expectations become the norm. Both men and women are expected to achieve perfect or near-perfect bodies: slim, toned, strong, agile, and aesthetically appealing. The closer people get to the cultural ideal, the more they notice the flaws that remain.
We want to live to a hundred, never be sick, keep all our hair, have unlined faces and flat bellies, be forever attractive to romantic partners, be strong, quick, and admirably competent. Paradoxically, as increasing affluence and improving healthcare has enabled more and more people to be better nourished and healthy; nearing these goals, our satisfaction with our health and appearance has decreased.
Lay people know it as compulsive exercising; it's the latest disorder to emerge from the psychological & behavioural morass of modern living. …